Sunday, January 16, 2011

Puppy update--5 days old

Pups are doing well!
Here are a series of pictures for you.....

Dessa and one of the little girls..

 Don't even ask about Tayla's outfit, lol.

Bella was SO excited to get a turn!

Next starts the series of what is supposed to be all of the puppies....I stressed to Casey how he needed to keep them clearly separated...but they got here's our best shot on day 5 at individual pics.  Each pup should have a face on--boy/girl shot and side profile.
Boy/girl shot seems a little degrading, eh?  Ah, they won't remember

 That means boy just so you know.... :)

 whoops an extra side/front shot

The two girls.

Final count in case you got confused....5 boys-2 girls.
I usually prefer male dogs...but it seems most people like kinda swayed the wrong way for the general public--right way for me--the puppy raiser :)

Couple of videos of the girls loving on that female pup.

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